Reynolds Development

General Office Building

Address:6603 W. Broad St.
Rich­mond, VA 23230
Year built:1968
Archi­tect:Baskervill & Son
Size:233,800 SF

The Gen­er­al Office Build­ing (GOB) was pro­grammed to accom­mo­date the Reynolds Met­als Com­pa­ny Cor­po­rate Head­quar­ters’ expand­ing staff on the north side of the pri­vate road bisect­ing the sub­ur­ban 121-acre prop­er­ty in Hen­ri­co Coun­ty and across from the Exec­u­tive Office Build­ing (EXO). In 2000, EXO was added to the Nation­al Reg­is­ter of His­toric Places. GOB con­tin­ued on the clas­si­cal idiom expressed in EXO’s archi­tec­ture, adhered to the prin­ci­ples of its sym­me­try and for­mal­i­ty, and uti­lized mod­ern mate­ri­als such as glass, steel, and espe­cial­ly alu­minum, intend­ed to project the com­pa­ny’s stature at the fore­front of indus­try and com­merce.

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