Reynolds Development

Three executives to be inducted into the Junior Achievement Greater Richmond Business Hall of Fame

From staff reports    Rich­mond Times-Dis­patch    Nov 14, 2019

Three local busi­ness exec­u­tives will be induct­ed into the Junior Achieve­ment Greater Rich­mond Busi­ness Hall of Fame in May.

The three join 111 oth­er busi­ness lead­ers who have been induct­ed into the pro­gram since it was estab­lished in 1988. Inductees are cho­sen for their con­tri­bu­tions to busi­ness in the Rich­mond area.

The pro­gram is spon­sored by Junior Achieve­ment of Cen­tral Vir­ginia. The cer­e­mo­ny and ban­quet will be held at The Jef­fer­son Hotel on May 14.

The 2020 inductees are:

Mark J. Hourigan

Mark J. Hourigan

• , founder and CEO of Houri­g­an, the Rich­mond-based con­struc­tion and devel­op­ment firm. Houri­g­an, found­ed in 1993, is one of the largest com­mer­cial gen­er­al con­trac­tors in the Rich­mond area. It builds 35 to 40 projects a year, includ­ing office build­ings, retail cen­ters, schools, hos­pi­tals and health care sites, and indus­tri­al facil­i­ties. The company’s recent projects include Domin­ion Energy’s sky­scraper in down­town Rich­mond and an adult out­pa­tient facil­i­ty for Vir­ginia Com­mon­wealth Uni­ver­si­ty Health Sys­tem. The com­pa­ny also has a devel­op­ment divi­sion.

Randolph N. Reynolds

Randolph N. Reynolds

• , the for­mer vice chair­man of Reynolds Met­als Co., the alu­minum indus­try pow­er­house that was acquired by Alcoa Inc. in May 2000 and which is known for its Reynolds Wrap foil prod­uct. A grand­son of the com­pa­ny founder, he is now a prin­ci­pal of Reynolds Devel­op­ment Co., a real estate man­age­ment and devel­op­ment com­pa­ny he found­ed in 2001. The fam­i­ly part­ner­ship in 2002 bought about 63 unde­vel­oped acres and two build­ings at the for­mer Reynolds Met­als cor­po­rate com­plex at West Broad Street and Glen­side Dri­ve in Hen­ri­co Coun­ty. The part­ner­ship devel­oped the prop­er­ty as Reynolds Cross­ing, which now includes a West­in Hotel and a Wal­mart store as well as oth­er office build­ings and retail space. In addi­tion, Reynolds is prin­ci­pal of Indus­tri­al Advi­sors Ser­vices Inc., which was found­ed as an inter­na­tion­al busi­ness man­age­ment com­pa­ny in 2000.

Sharon Dabney-Wooldridge

Sharon Dabney-Wooldridge

• , the founder, pres­i­dent and CEO of Kleane Kare Team Inc., a mul­ti­mil­lion-dol­lar com­mer­cial clean­ing busi­ness based in east­ern Hen­ri­co. She start­ed the house-clean­ing busi­ness in 1986 out of the back of her car but switched her busi­ness focus to com­mer­cial clean­ing in 2001. Her com­pa­ny employs more than 125 peo­ple, most of them in the Rich­mond area. She served more than a year as inter­im direc­tor of the Met­ro­pol­i­tan Busi­ness League, which focus­es on help­ing small, women- and minor­i­ty-owned busi­ness­es grow and expand.

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