Reynolds Development

Medical Office Building to go up at Reynolds Crossing in Henrico County

By    CAROL HAZARD    Rich­mond Times-Dis­patch    Feb 1, 2017
Sean Reynolds MOB Rendering

The Vir­ginia Eye Insti­tute and Der­ma­tol­ogy Asso­ciates of Vir­ginia will be anchor ten­ants in a med­ical office build­ing that will be built in the Reynolds Cross­ing mixed-used devel­op­ment off Glen­side Dri­ve and For­est Avenue in Hen­ri­co Coun­ty.

Vir­ginia Eye Insti­tute will occu­py the entire first floor — 23,443 square feet — and Der­ma­tol­ogy Asso­ciates will occu­py 13,372 square feet on the sec­ond floor. The remain­ing 9,586 square feet on the sec­ond floor is avail­able for lease.

Con­struc­tion will start in the spring with tar­get­ed com­ple­tion in sum­mer 2018. This will be the last build­ing in the 90-acre Reynolds Cross­ing, clos­ing out a 14-year project by Hen­ri­co-based Reynolds Devel­op­ment Group.

Also under­way in Reynolds Cross­ing is the devel­op­ment of a two-acre site for addi­tion­al retail fronting For­est Avenue. This piece is being devel­oped by The Wilton Cos., a Hen­ri­co real estate com­pa­ny that bought the par­cel last year from Reynolds Devel­op­ment. It is sched­uled to be com­plet­ed late this year.

The retail devel­op­ment would be next to the exist­ing Shoppes at Reynolds Cross­ing that was com­plet­ed two years ago. Ten­ants there include Star­bucks, Chipo­tle and Sal­ad­works.

“Fore­most in our mind is to design an effi­cient facil­i­ty that results in an out­stand­ing patient expe­ri­ence,” said Brad Smith, CEO of the Vir­ginia Eye Insti­tute. The Reynolds Cross­ing loca­tion will fea­ture an array of eye care ser­vices pro­vid­ed by oph­thal­mol­o­gists and optometrists, along with a full ser­vice retail opti­cal shop.

The Vir­ginia Eye Insti­tute has eight loca­tions in the Rich­mond area. Der­ma­tol­ogy Asso­ciates has four loca­tions in the area.

Rachel Downey, prac­tice admin­is­tra­tor with Der­ma­tol­ogy Asso­ciates, said the ven­ture with Vir­ginia Eye Insti­tute and Reynolds Devel­op­ment will allow the com­pa­ny to meet grow­ing demand for der­ma­tol­ogy ser­vices.

Rich­mond-based Evolve Archi­tec­ture is the archi­tect. Tay­lor & Par­rish Con­struc­tion of Rich­mond is the gen­er­al con­trac­tor and Bal­ti­more-based RK&K Engi­neer­ing, with an office in Rich­mond, is the civ­il engi­neer.

CBRE|Richmond, a com­mer­cial real estate firm in Hen­ri­co, is han­dling the leas­ing and mar­ket­ing for the build­ing.

Ten­ants in Reynolds Cross­ing include Altria Group Inc., CBRE|Richmond, Shel­ter­ing Arms, First Ten­nessee Bank, Bon Sec­ours Rich­mond Health Sys­tem, Vir­ginia Urol­o­gy, Vir­ginia Can­cer Insti­tute and The West­in Rich­mond. A Wal­mart super­center also is part of the devel­op­ment.

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