Reynolds Development

Reynolds Crossing Fully Leased With Signing of New Tenant

By CAROL HAZARD Rich­mond Times-Dis­patch   Dec 14, 2015

Reynolds Office Building Southeast Elevation

The top floor of the sev­en-sto­ry Reynolds Office build­ing at 6641 W. Broad St. in the Reynolds Cross­ing devel­op­ment will be home to Thomp­son, Siegel & Walm­s­ley.

Thomp­son, Siegel & Walm­s­ley, an invest­ment man­age­ment firm, is mov­ing into a Reynolds Cross­ing office behind the Rich­mond West­in hotel off West Broad Street in Hen­ri­co Coun­ty.

The near­ly 194,000-square-foot build­ing, which opened in 2008, is now ful­ly leased.

“This office will accom­mo­date growth beyond our cur­rent 70 asso­ciates and $14 bil­lion of assets under man­age­ment,” Frank Reichel, pres­i­dent of Thomp­son, Siegel & Walm­s­ley, said Mon­day in a state­ment.

The invest­ment firm is mov­ing from Three Paragon Place at 6806 Paragon Place in Hen­ri­co into near­ly 30,000 square feet, the entire top floor of the sev­en-sto­ry Reynolds Office build­ing at 6641 W. Broad St.

It joins ten­ants such as CBRE | Rich­mond, Metlife and James Riv­er Insur­ance Co.

Bro­kers from CBRE, a com­mer­cial real estate firm, rep­re­sent­ed the invest­ment firm and also Reynolds Devel­op­ment, the devel­op­er.

Robert Reynolds, prin­ci­pal of Reynolds Devel­op­ment, said the addi­tion of  Thomp­son, Siegel & Walm­s­ley will enhance the Reynolds Cross­ing devel­op­ment.

“We’re ful­ly leased in the park,” Reynolds said.

Only two more parcels are avail­able for devel­op­ment. One is a 2‑acre site; the oth­er is 5 acres. They are cur­rent­ly being mar­ket­ed for retail and/or office use. “We are try­ing to deter­mine the high­est and best use. These are the last two parcels, every­thing else is built out.”

The approx­i­mate 90-acre site is bound by Glen­side Dri­ve, Inter­state 64, West Broad Street and For­est Avenue. It also is home to a Wal­mart that opened in 2014 and oth­er med­ical and office build­ings.

The newest office/medical build­ing in Reynolds Cross­ing — Reynolds Com­mons at 6627 W. Broad St. — is occu­pied by Shel­ter­ing Arms Phys­i­cal Reha­bil­i­ta­tion Cen­ters, which took the entire first floor and opened its largest out­pa­tient site there.

The two-sto­ry, 38,000-square-foot build­ing, which opened this year, also is ful­ly leased. It sits next to a Plaza Azteca restau­rant.

First Ten­nessee Bank, a sub­sidiary of Mem­phis-based First Hori­zon Nation­al Corp., moved its Rich­mond region­al head­quar­ters into the two-sto­ry build­ing in April.

The oth­er main ten­ant is Ver­i­tas Col­lab­o­ra­tive, a Durham, N.C.-based eat­ing dis­or­der treat­ment cen­ter. It will move into near­ly 12,000 square feet there in the first quar­ter. 

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